Augmented reality has experienced a spectacular boom in recent years, offering new perspectives in various sectors such as entertainment, education, medicine, advertising, and industry.

Augmented reality glasses are a key element of this technology, allowing users to see virtual information superimposed on the real world.

This article explores the evolution of this technology, the advantages of the new generations of augmented reality glasses, and the new players participating in its development.

The history of augmented reality glasses

Augmented reality glasses have existed since the 90s, but they have recently experienced a surge in popularity thanks to technological advancements and the miniaturization of electronic components. Google was one of the first players to launch a pair of consumer-grade augmented reality glasses with its Google Glass project in 2013. However, critics quickly pointed out privacy and security issues, which led to the project’s demise in 2015.

Advantages of new generations of augmented reality glasses

New generations of augmented reality glasses offer many advantages over their predecessors. They are lighter, more compact, and more powerful, with increased battery life and more advanced features. Some even offer mixed reality experiences, which combine augmented reality and virtual reality to provide more immersive and interactive experiences.

New players

Many players have invested in the development of augmented reality glasses in recent years, including technology giants such as Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, as well as innovative startups such as Magic Leap and Nreal. The different approaches of these players include the use of voice recognition, 3D mapping, and the digitization of the real environment to offer more precise and immersive augmented reality experiences.

Future prospects

Augmented reality technology continues to develop at a rapid pace, offering new perspectives in various sectors. Augmented reality glasses are a key element of this evolution, offering considerable advantages for professionals and consumers alike. With new players investing in this technology, we are likely to see an explosion of new augmented reality applications in the years to come.


In conclusion, augmented reality glasses have come a long way since their creation in the 90s. New generations offer considerable advantages over their predecessors, while new players continue to invest in the development of this technology. We are likely to see an explosion of new augmented reality applications in the years to come, offering new perspectives in various sectors.